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Nos psychologues multilangue

genevieve ellegaard psychologue psychotherapeute - uccle - bruxelles

Geneviève Ellegaard – Uccle

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? My interest in psychology and in others is not a coincidence. I am a hypersensitive empath with life experiences that were not always easy. I also have a particular approach to emotions, to relationships with others, to the environment, to information... This led me to undertake [...]
de geynst catherine psychologue clinicienne psychotherapeute systemique psychotraumatologue uccle

Catherine De Geynst – Uccle

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? After obtaining my master's degree in clinical psychology at ULB (2011), I began working as a psychologist in psychiatric institutions (psychiatric hospitals for adults, community centers, etc.) while following continuing education and postgraduate in systemic psychotherapy at Forestière asbl (2018). Considering the difficulties and resources of [...]
ana-Livia costache psychologue en ligne

Ana-Livia Costache – Online

Despre mineFaceți o programare Cine sunt eu ? Numele meu este Ana-Livia Costache. Psiholog online Am o diplomă de master în psihologie clinică și experiență în lucrul cu indivizi, copii, adolescenți și cupluri. Aș dori să vă ghidez prin diferite procese de reconectare cu sinele, înțelegerea drumului în viață, depășirea provocărilor din viața de zi [...]
ana-Livia costache psychologue en ligne

Ana-Livia Costache – Online

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? Online psychologist My name is Ana-Livia Costache I have a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and experience working with individuals, children, teenagers and couples. I would like to let me guide you through different processes of reconnecting with yourself, understanding your path in life, overcoming challenges [...]
astrid hansen psychologue bruxelles

Astrid Hansen – Auderghem – Scherpenheuvel-Zichem

Wie ben ik?Maak een afspraak Wie ben ik? coach Merchtem Als psycholoog en psychotherapeut kom ik terug naar België om psychisch lijden te begeleiden in de volgende omstandigheden: de omstandigheden die kunnen worden ervaren na een bepaalde levensgebeurtenis, maar ook meer in het algemeen na een mislukking in het proces van persoonlijke ontwikkeling (of het [...]
astrid hansen psychologue bruxelles

Astrid Hansen – Auderghem – Scherpenheuvel-Zichem

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? Let me introduce myself: After my degree in clinical psychology (1995), I have followed some different trainings (sand-play; psychomotricity, and most of: all dream analysis). Coming back to Belgium, I now intend to be visible on the net. Coming to my long, rich and varied experience, [...]