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angelina cardella coach phytotherapeute bruxelles la louviere

Angelina Cardella – La Louvière

Chi sono?Prendi un appuntamento Chi sono? Sono Angelina, sono empatica, premurosa ed extralucida. Questo è ciò che mi caratterizza e mi ha spinto verso piani adeguati con me stessa: sono madre di 3 figli, moglie realizzata, sono insegnante di storia francese nella scuola secondaria da quasi 25 anni e da quasi 5 anni sono life [...]
psychologue liege daniela vaduva

Daniela Vaduva – Liége

Despre mineFaceți o programare Cine sunt eu ? Bine ati venit ! Ma numesc Daniela Vaduva si sunt psiholog clinician si psihoterapeut de orientare experientiala cu formari in Programare Neuro-Lingvistica si Analiza Reichiana (Analiza Psiho-Somato-Energetica).Psiholog Liège Dupa mai multi ani de experienta profesionala cu un public variat: copii si adolescenti care-si cauta propriului loc in [...]
aly sassi psychotherapeute coach bruxelles

Aly Sassi – Ixelles

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? Coach and systemic psychotherapist, I have 20 years of professional experience in different services and institutions in Brussels (mediation/ psychotherapy/ youth work/ mental health). My systemic approach leads me to consider each person in a "global" way. In my vision, each person is in continuous interaction [...]
christine bafumo coach therapeute gestalt therapeute praticien pnl momignies quaregnon

Christine Bafumo – Momignies – Quaregnon

Chi sono?Prendi un appuntamento Chi sono ? Coach Salve, il mio nome è Christine sono terapeuta LIFECOACH - Emotional Mental Coach.Ho vissuto 24 anni a Salerno, e da 12 anni vivo e pratico qui in Belgio. So quanto possa essere difficile il cambiamento di paese, di clima e di energia quando ti sposti da un [...]
alexandre tissot gestalt therapeute bruxelles

Alexandre Tissot – Forest

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? I’m 47 years old, I’m married and the father of two children. Creative artist, pedagogue in Higher Art Schools and Gestalt Therapist. I see life as a paved road, which we build little by little, as we go along. Each of these cobblestones, added and placed [...]

Nathalie Colleaux – Brussels – Waterloo

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? Psychotherapist Brussels My name is Nathalie Colleaux. Psychotherapist Brussels I studied psychotherapy since more than 10 years, coaching for personal and professional excellence, supporting people who wish to (re)discover their gifts, systemic coaching and constellations, guided meditation and relaxation, and the application of those competencies in [...]
chantal feuerlein coach bruxelles

Chantal Feuerlein – Ixelles

Quién soyHacer una cita Quién soy ? Con raíces indo-británicas y alemanas, crecí en un ambiente multicultural de Bruselas donde solía rodearme de personas provenientes de diferentes horizontes. Mi vida ha estado llena de viajes y encuentros que han hecho crecer en mí una pasión por el ser humano, sus mecanismos de adaptación y de [...]