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ruth archlebova online counsellor

Ruth Archlebova – Antwerp

Kto som?Dohodnite si stretnutie Kto som? ? Moja poradenská prax je založená na ôsmich rokoch skúseností s prácou v oblasti duševného zdravia s ľuďmi z rôznych kultúrnych a etnických pozadí. Vo svojej súkromnej praxi som pracovala s dospelými, ktorí trpia depresiou, úzkosťou, nízkym sebavedomím, traumou, problémami súvisiacimi so vzťahmi a identitou, alebo s mladými dospelými, [...]
backes ann coach liege

Ann Backes – Liège

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? Coach Liége My name is Ann, and my journey combines a diverse professional experience with significant personal growth. Professional Experience Management Engineering degree at HEC Liège A solid foundation for my career. Management Controller in an industrial company Implementation of a financial IT tool. Project Manager [...]
touyz michael psychotherapist online

Michael Touyz – Online

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? Psychotherapist As a psychotherapist, I specialize in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and emotional therapy, dedicated to fostering personal growth and emotional well-being. With a Master’s degree in psychology, I have a solid foundation in understanding human behavior and mental processes. My training in CBT allows me [...]

Jeffrey Lubin – Antwerpen

Wie ben ikMaak een afspraakWie ben ik ? Mijn Roeping Ik ben een grondig getrainde psychotherapeut en verlang mensen te helpen die steeds naast de toekomst of transformatie grijpen waar ze al zo lang naar zoeken. Mijn opleiding zal wel nooit helemaal afgerond zijn want er valt zo veel over psychotherapie te leren. Ik ben [...]

Jeffrey Lubin – Antwerp

Who am IMake an appointmentWho am I ? My Mission I am an extensively trained psychotherapist who is passionately driven by a quest to help people find the kind of future or transformation that is eluding them. My training is ongoing and in fact will never end, so vast is the domain of psychotherapy. I [...]
monica dumitriu psychotherapeute medical doctor en ligne

Monica Dumitriu – Online

Despre mineFaceți o programare Cine sunt eu ? Sunt medic și psihoterapeut specializat în terapia cognitiv-comportamentală (CBT) și psihoterapia integrativă. Locuiesc în Praga, Republica Cehă și sunt membru înregistrat și certificat al Asociației Cehe pentru Psihoterapie (Česká asociace pro psychoterapii). Înainte de a recurge la psihoterapie, am lucrat mai mult de 20 de ani într-un [...]
monica dumitriu psychotherapeute medical doctor en ligne

Monica Dumitriu – Online

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ?Psychotherapist Online I am a medical doctor and psychotherapist specialised in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Integrative Psychotherapy. I live in Prague, Czech Republic and I am a registered and certified member of Czech Association for Psychotherapy (Česká asociace pro psychoterapii). Before turning to psychotherapy, I worked for [...]
steppe mndebele dinah Psychotherapeute Ixelles

Dinah Steppé-Mndebele – Ixelles

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? About Me My name is Dinah. I was born in South Africa during apartheid but raised and educated in Swaziland. I moved to Belgium 30 years ago when I married my Belgian husband. I am a certified Psychotherapist dedicated to helping individuals, couples, and groups navigate [...]