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tongahasina vicenzi coach bruxelles

Tongahasina Vicenzi – Molenbeek-Saint-Jean – Jette

Who am I ? Awaken your consciousness with spiriviecoaching! Life coach specialized in the field of mindfulness; I have always been keen to help others. So, after a degree in psychology, I chose to move towards classic coaching and then specialize in the field of spirituality (mindfulness). Coach Molenbeek-Saint-Jean What is the meaning of my [...]
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Isabelle Brückmann – Online

Wie ben ik? Hallo und herzlich willkommen! Mein Name ist Isabelle Brückmann und ich bin Psychologin und Ernährungscoach, spezialisiert auf kognitive Verhaltenstherapie (CBT). Ich verfüge über umfangreiche Erfahrungen in der Begleitung von Patienten und hatte bereits das Privileg, Menschen bei der Bewältigung ihrer psychischen Probleme auf Deutsch, Englisch und Spanisch zu helfen. Ich habe mich [...]
bruckmann isabelle therapist online

Isabelle Brückmann – Online

Quién soy ? Hola y bienvenida/o! Me llamo Isabelle Brückmann y soy psicóloga y coach nutricional con formación especializada en terapia cognitivo-conductual (TCC). Con una amplia experiencia en diversos entornos, he tenido el privilegio de ayudar a las personas a superar sus problemas de salud mental en alemán, inglés y español. Me especializo en el [...]
bruckmann isabelle therapist online

Isabelle Brückmann – Online

Who am I ? Hello and welcome! My name is Isabelle Brückmann, and I’m a psychologist and nutrition coach with specialized training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). With extensive experience across diverse settings, I’ve had the privilege of helping individuals navigate their mental health challenges in German, English, and Spanish. I specialize in supporting clients [...]
genevieve ellegaard psychologue psychotherapeute - uccle - bruxelles

Geneviève Ellegaard – Uccle

Who am I ? My interest in psychology and in others is not a coincidence. I am a hypersensitive empath with life experiences that were not always easy. I also have a particular approach to emotions, to relationships with others, to the environment, to information... This led me to undertake profound personal work and a [...]
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Dominique Delcour – Tinlot – Liège – Saint-Georges-sur-Meuse – Villers-le-Bouillet

Who am I ? All through a 30 years long experience in business as a manager, a senior Human Resources Officer, and a Coach, I had the very interesting opportunity to study and apply all sorts of tools used in Personal Development, such as needs-resources analysis, conflict management, transactional analysis, Neuro-Linguistic Programmation, NonViolent Communication, … [...]
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Ruth Archlebova – Antwerp

Kto som?Dohodnite si stretnutie Kto som? ? Moja poradenská prax je založená na ôsmich rokoch skúseností s prácou v oblasti duševného zdravia s ľuďmi z rôznych kultúrnych a etnických pozadí. Vo svojej súkromnej praxi som pracovala s dospelými, ktorí trpia depresiou, úzkosťou, nízkym sebavedomím, traumou, problémami súvisiacimi so vzťahmi a identitou, alebo s mladými dospelými, [...]
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Ann Backes – Liège

Who am I ? My name is Ann, and my journey combines a diverse professional experience with significant personal growth. Professional Experience Management Engineering degree at HEC Liège A solid foundation for my career. Management Controller in an industrial company Implementation of a financial IT tool. Project Manager in a non-profit organization Revitalization of local [...]
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Michael Touyz – Online

Who am I ? As a psychotherapist, I specialize in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and emotional therapy, dedicated to fostering personal growth and emotional well-being. With a Master’s degree in psychology, I have a solid foundation in understanding human behavior and mental processes. My training in CBT allows me to help clients identify and change [...]
ruth archlebova online counsellor

Ruth Archlebova – Antwerp

Who am I ? I am a counsellor with 8 years of experience of working in the mental health field with people from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. In my private practice, I have worked with adults who suffer from depression, anxiety, low self esteem, trauma, relationships and identity related issues, or young adults who [...]