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Alexander Nicholls – Woluwé-Saint-Lambert

fanti maddalena therapeute bruxelles

Maddalena Fanti – Uccle

Chi sono?Fissare un appuntamento Chi sono ? Psico-praticante Maddalena Fanti - Psicopratica : terapia psicocorporea EMTE, Ipnosi terapeutica, EFT Clinica La mia carriera Psico-praticante Da sempre mi sono appassionata al funzionamento del cervello e ai poteri della mente. Prima di metterli al centro della mia pratica professionale, ho lavorato a lungo nella Gestione delle Risorse [...]

Léopold Gaza – Waterloo

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? Hello to you, I am a hypnotherapist, sound therapist and astrologer. My career began in 1999 at the University of Brussels in General Psychology. Attracted by chemistry, I then turned to pharmacology and became a pharmacist assistant. After ten years and a need for profound change, [...]
Luisa Mannu - therapeute Bruxelles

Luisa Mannu – Schaerbeek – Bruxelles

Chi sono?Fissare un appuntamento Chi sono ? Coach Offro il mio supporto terapeutico ad adulti, adolescenti e bambini confrontati a problematiche e difficolta’ legate a tutti i tipi di transizioni e cambiamenti importanti nella vita, sia a livello personale che relazionale e professionale. Avendo seguito formazioni basate su differenti approcci terapeutici, cio’che oggi propongo e’ [...]
Luisa Mannu - therapeute Bruxelles

Luisa Mannu – Schaerbeek -Brussels

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? My name is Luisa Mannu and I am a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (CBT), Life Coach and grief Counsellor. I practise in Brussels, near the European institutions ,  in English, French and Italian. Therapist I am a specialist in all kinds of problems related to difficult changes, [...]
joice vancoppenolle hypnologue tournai

Joice Vancoppenolle – Tournai

Quem Sou?marcar uma reunião Quem Sou? Me chamo Joice Vancoppenolle, sou brasileira e moro na Bélgica há algum tempo. Possuo várias competências na área de saúde mental e medicina alternativa, incluindo hipnose Ericksoniana (minha especialidade), terapia familiar, terapia de casal, Tarô de Marselha e numerologia. Conversar e me relacionar com as pessoas é um verdadeiro [...]
joelle kilimnik psychotherapeute bruxelles

Joelle Kilimnik – Etterbeek

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? Psychotherapist Etterbeek I am a graduate of the Free University of Brussels in Linguistics, Columbia University (New York) in English and Comparative Literature and the Belgium Institute of Gestalt therapy as a Gestalt psychotherapist. I have shared my time between my private psychotherapy practice and managed-care [...]

Isabelle Oberman – Ixelles – Dilbeek

Wie ben ik?Maak een afspraak Wie ben ik? psychotherapeut Ixelles - Dilbeek Het leven is geen rustig kabbelende rivier maar wel een weg bezaaid met hindernissen . Na wisselende beroepservaringen als verkoopster, jeugdbegeleidster, schooljuf, commercieel raadgever, ben ik huwelijks- en gezinsadviseur geworden in 2005. Als al deze uiteenlopende ervaringen van mij de vrouw gemaakt hebben [...]