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Laurie Michot – Namur

ana-Livia costache psychologue en ligne

Ana-Livia Costache – Online

Who am I ? Online psychologist My name is Ana-Livia Costache I have a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and experience working with individuals, children, teenagers and couples. I would like to let me guide you through different processes of reconnecting with yourself, understanding your path in life, overcoming challenges in your everyday life, going [...]
matthieu puissant psychologue namur

Matthieu Puissant – Emines

Qui suis-jePrise de Rendez-VousQui suis-je ? Je possède une expérience professionnelle depuis plus de quinze ans dans les domaines de la surdité, du handicap de la (petite) enfance, du trouble du spectre autistique et de la santé mentale. Difficultés relationnelles, manque de confiance en soi, difficultés d’endormissement, difficultés scolaires, tristesse intense, gestion compliquée des émotions, [...]
claudia savu - psychologue namur

Claudia Savu – Wépion

Cine sunt eu? Bine ați venit pe pagina mea! Voi începe prin a mă prezenta. Mă numesc Claudia Savu și dețin un Master în Psihologie, acesta dându-mi dreptul să port în Belgia titlul de psiholog, protejat de lege. Dețin de asemenea un Certificat Universitar în Sexologie Clinică obținut la Universitatea Catolică din Louvain la Neuve [...]
caroline pluymaekers psychologue psychotherapeute aubel

Caroline Pluymaekers – Aubel

Wer bin ich? Mein Name ist Pluymaekers Caroline, ich bin Psychologin und Psychotherapeutin und verfüge über langjährige Berufserfahrung in der Unterstützung emotionaler, psychologischer und/oder verhaltensbezogener Schwierigkeiten bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen. Je nach Situation und Bedarf arbeite ich mit Hilfsmitteln wie Achtsamkeit, klinischer Hypnose und Pferdetherapie. Meine Praxis befindet sich in Aubel, ist gut erreichbar [...]
astrid hansen psychologue bruxelles

Astrid Hansen – Auderghem – Scherpenheuvel-Zichem

Who am I ? Let me introduce myself: After my degree in clinical psychology (1995), I have followed some different trainings (sand-play; psychomotricity, and most of: all dream analysis). Coming back to Belgium, I now intend to be visible on the net. Coming to my long, rich and varied experience, I need to explain how [...]
celine aerts psychologue clinicienne bruxelles

Céline Aerts – Ixelles – Schaerbeek

Who am I ? Hello everyone ! I am a clinical psychologist, graduated from Louvain Catholic University, specialized in taking care of adults. Overall, I studied different types of psychological counselling, but I am mostly expert in intercultural psychology and a person centered approach. If you feel uncomfortable in your social and cultural environment, if you [...]