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Matthieu Puissant – Emines

matthieu puissant psychologue namur

Matthieu Puissant – Emines

Qui suis-jePrise de Rendez-VousQui suis-je ? Je possède une expérience professionnelle depuis plus de quinze ans dans les domaines de la surdité, du handicap de la (petite) enfance, du trouble du spectre autistique et de la santé mentale. Difficultés relationnelles, manque de confiance en soi, difficultés d’endormissement, difficultés scolaires, tristesse intense, gestion compliquée des émotions, [...]
astrid hansen psychologue bruxelles

Astrid Hansen – Auderghem – Scherpenheuvel-Zichem

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? Let me introduce myself: After my degree in clinical psychology (1995), I have followed some different trainings (sand-play; psychomotricity, and most of: all dream analysis). Coming back to Belgium, I now intend to be visible on the net. Coming to my long, rich and varied experience, [...]

Andrea Gutiérrez – Ixelles

Quién soy?Hacer una cita Quién soy? Realicé mis estudios de Licenciada en Psicología en la Universidad del Salvador USAL (Argentina 2004), Profesora de Psicología por el Instituto Superior Juan XXIII (Argentina, 1999). Durante 15 años me dedique a la formación, estudio y práctica clínica en Psicología Infantil e Integración psicodiagnóstica, en especial del Psicodiagnóstico Rorschach [...]
amaru de la motta psychologue hypnotherapeute bruxelles

Amaru De la Motta – Uccle – Forest

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? As a therapist my journey began with my own therapists, and it's only after I'd worked in various domains such as photography, computers and education that I went back to university, having travelled and lived many walks of life. It's been 15 years now that I [...]
alison cigna psychologue coach evere

Alison Cigna – Evere

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? Behind this goddess physique and impeccable figure lies a psychologist with several years' experience. I began my career in 2022 with the Brussels Police in the field of workplace well-being, where I developed a passion for crisis intervention and burnout support. From there, I decided to [...]