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desvachez fanny gestalt therapeute hamois

Fanny Desvachez – Hamois

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? Gestalt therapist Are you feeling overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, or loneliness? Perhaps you're experiencing grief, or searching for meaning in your life? Whatever challenges and situations you're facing, together, I offer to embark on a path towards greater serenity. As a Gestalt therapist trained at the [...]
christine mullebrouck psychotherapeute bruxelles

Christine Mullebrouck – Anderlecht

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? Psychotherapist Anderlecht | Christine Mullebrouck Why consult? All questions are legitimate. All fear and/or anguish is legitimate as well – be it connected to identity, to experienced or feared violence, or to tough decision-making. I can help you work through the following issues/questions: Finding it difficult [...]

Alberto Fabris – Bruxelles – Ixelles

Chi sono?Prendi un appuntamento Chi sono ? psicoanalista Ti senti sopraffatto dalla pressione e dallo stress nel tuo ambiente lavorativo? Ti pesano le dinamiche familiari o ti trovi in difficoltà nel relazionarti armoniosamente con il tuo corpo? Ti senti limitato da schemi ripetitivi e costrizioni che sembrano restringere il tuo potenziale? La psicoanalisi offre una [...]
aleksandra nowak psychotherapist brussels

Aleksandra Nowak – Ixelles

Kim jestemUmów się na spotkanie Kim jestem? Psycholog Oferuje pomoc w postaci psychoterapii indywidualnej w nurcie poznawczo-behawioralnym (CBT) i terapii Schematów. Specjalizuje się w diagnozie i terapii osób dorosłych i młodzieży. Psycholog Psychologia, psychoterapia, dobrostan są moim zainteresowaniem od czasów szkolnych. W mojej pracy kieruję się dwoma celami, by zmniejszać cierpienie i by pomóc jednostce [...]
ana-Livia costache psychologue en ligne

Ana-Livia Costache – Online

Despre mineFaceți o programare Cine sunt eu ? Numele meu este Ana-Livia Costache. Psiholog online Am o diplomă de master în psihologie clinică și experiență în lucrul cu indivizi, copii, adolescenți și cupluri. Aș dori să vă ghidez prin diferite procese de reconectare cu sinele, înțelegerea drumului în viață, depășirea provocărilor din viața de zi [...]
ana-Livia costache psychologue en ligne

Ana-Livia Costache – Online

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ? Online psychologist My name is Ana-Livia Costache I have a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and experience working with individuals, children, teenagers and couples. I would like to let me guide you through different processes of reconnecting with yourself, understanding your path in life, overcoming challenges [...]