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sari ekin enligne psychotherapist

Ekin Sari – Online danişma

Ben kimim ? Psikoterapi Profesyonel Profil: Ekin Sarı, Lisanslı Psikolog Ben Ekin Sarı, Sabancı Üniversitesi Psikoloji Bölümü mezunu deneyimli bir psikologum. Lisans yılları boyunca araştırma görevlisi yardımcısı olarak görev yaparak önemli deneyim kazandım. Aynı zamanda üniversite tarafından kurulan bir sivil toplum kuruluşunda gönüllü olarak aktif rol aldım. Zorunlu stajımı Erenköy Ruh ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanesi'nde [...]
joelle kilimnik psychotherapeute bruxelles

Joelle Kilimnik – Etterbeek

Who am I ? I am a graduate of the Free University of Brussels in Linguistics, Columbia University (New York) in English and Comparative Literature and the Belgium Institute of Gestalt therapy as a Gestalt psychotherapist. I have shared my time between my private psychotherapy practice and managed-care settings in many different areas of the [...]
isaure de foucaud coach therapeute bruxelles

Isaure de Foucaud – Ixelles

Who am I ? Passionate about human behavior and personal development since I was a kid, sensitive, empathetic, a good listener, spontaneous, curious, with a thirst for learning and always discovering new horizons, I deeply enjoy providing support to others, bringing comfort, finding solutions for those who call on me, and thus contributing to their [...]

Isabelle Oberman – Ixelles – Dilbeek

Wie ben ik? Het leven is geen rustig kabbelende rivier maar wel een weg bezaaid met hindernissen . Na wisselende beroepservaringen als verkoopster, jeugdbegeleidster, schooljuf, commercieel raadgever, ben ik huwelijks- en gezinsadviseur geworden in 2005. Als al deze uiteenlopende ervaringen van mij de vrouw gemaakt hebben die ik nu ben, zijn het mijn privéleven en [...]
aly sassi psychotherapeute coach bruxelles

علي ساسي – Ixelles

من أنا ؟ علي ساسي معالج نفسي ومدرب ذهني ،ذو خبرة مهنية منذ اكثر من عشرين عامًا في مختلف الخدمات والمؤسسات الاجتماعية في بروكسل (وساطة / علاج النفسي / تدريب ذهني للشباب استعمل منهج علاجي يواديني إلى النظر إلى كل شخص بطريقة "شاملة". في نظرتي ، كل شخص هو في تفاعل مستمر مع بيئته وأطره [...]
isabelle oberman psychotherapeute grand bigard

Isabelle Oberman – Ixelles – Dilbeek

Who am I ? “Life isn’t an easy ride” After a career as a salesperson and commercial consultant, I finally became a couple and family counsellor in 2005. Today, I am both a teacher and counsellor.If those different and various professional experiences have certainly shaped the woman I’ve become, my private life as well as [...]
oriane schreuer coach therapeute holistique therapeute energetique coach en transformation personnelle watermael boitsfort

Oriane Schreuer – Watermael-Boitsfort

Who am I ? Personal Transformation Coach, blending life coaching, emotional freedom techniques, energy therapy, and mentoring, I help individuals realign themselves to restore harmony in their personal, relational, and/or professional lives and reorganize their lives accordingly. Through my individual, couples and group sessions, my goal is to help you reconnect with your true self [...]
nina todorova psychanalyste therapeute creative bruxelles

Nina Todorova – Brussels

Who am I ? Hi, my name is Nina and I’m here to learn about you. As a creative therapist, my goal is to partner with you in finding more balance and joy in your relationships and daily activities through conversation, walking, art, dance or writing. Whether you are dealing with something specific or seek [...]
irua ormazabal coach bruxelles

Irua Ormazabal – Ixelles – Incourt

Who am I ? I have over 20 years of experience working with families, children, and young people from different backgrounds and countries. As a trained professional family coach and educator, I will support and guide your family through everyday challenges. Throughout our journey together, I will provide research-based information, tools, and tips to improve [...]
Caroline watelet therapeute hypnotherapeute sophrologue bruxelles

Caroline Watelet – Schaerbeek – Woluwé-Saint-Lambert

Who am IMake an appointment Who am I ?Therapist Hello, I trained as a physiotherapist and have always worked in the field of mental health. The question is often asked, and sometimes puzzled: what can a physiotherapist do in the field of psychotherapy? However, the links and similarities between these two practices do exist: what [...]